
plural nouninscapes

Meaning: the unique inner nature of a person or object as shown in a work of art, especially a poem.

As an artist, I am drawn to recording my memories and experiences on canvas. These are immersive experiments that occur without any preconceived ideas being formed, and I am led purely by instinct. I have come across the word ‘inscapes’ which I feel explains very well how and what I paint.

Living in a coastal community on the Hook Peninsula much of my time is spent in, and around, the sea.  A sense of being in this place influences how I paint, how I feel, and I am, at any given moment in time.  In this sense, my art is a reflection of me and what is around me, and although I like to paint in a slightly abstracted, or minimalist way, I still try to preserve an identifiable essence of a place that people can recognise as being part of this landscape.

My preference is to use mostly acrylics made from natural pigments and plants, choosing these materials is an important part of my process. Although, my paintings are conceived with no plan or objective, when looking back over my work, I see that that almost every painting includes water in some form, or at least the sense of it!